The Top Golden Visa Countries For Investors

A golden visa, also known as a residence by investment program, offers foreign nationals an avenue to obtain residency or citizenship in another country through investment. With increased global mobility and wealth diversification as top priorities, golden visas have become one of the prime routes favored by high-net-worth individuals and investors seeking lifestyle perks and risk mitigation. This guide examines the leading golden visa options available worldwide today based on historical popularity, benefits offered, and requirements.

What is a Golden Visa?

Simply defined, a golden visa is a type of residence or citizenship by investment permit granted to qualifying applicants in exchange for a defined economic contribution, usually a minimum investment of funds, property purchase, or bonds/shares subscription in the host nation. It gives the investor and their families legal residence rights such as the ability to live, work, study, and receive healthcare benefits in that country.

Many programs also offer a pathway to citizenship after a period of continuous residency, turning golden visas into an attractive backdoor route for gaining citizenship and expanding one’s options for mobility, second/backup passports, and tax residency in a politically stable jurisdiction. Key benefits include residence permission, family inclusions, global access, investment diversification, lifestyle upgrades, and insurance against volatility abroad.

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Top Golden Visa Destinations

With over 100 countries worldwide implementing special investment immigration programs, here is a rundown of the leading and most respected golden visa nations preferred by high-net-worth individuals:

European Union Golden Visas

Within the EU, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Malta, and Bulgaria are pioneering the highly popular real estate-tied residence by investment models. They require property purchases from €250,000-€600,000 along with minimal residency obligations. Applicants gain EU residence and freedom of movement while retaining core assets and optional pathways to citizenship.

Portugal Golden Residence Permit Program

Among the most reputed EU programs, Portugal approves residence permits for those acquiring properties above €500,000 or investing €350,000+ in government bonds. After 5 years of maintaining legal residence, one may apply for citizenship through naturalization.

Spain Residence by Investment Program

Spain’s non-lucrative visa rewards investors putting €500,000 into real estate or €2,000,000 into financial assets/shares. Eligibility for citizenship arises following 10 years of continuous legal residency in Spain.

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Greece Golden Visa Program

Greece’s residency for life permit needs only a €250,000 property purchase and allows the principal applicant and family to reside/work/study anywhere in the Schengen area. Citizenship can be pursued after 7 years of residency in Greece.

Malta Individual Investor Program (IIP)

Malta has a long-established citizenship route requiring a minimum €600,000 contribution to the National Development and Social Fund or a mixed investment option. Citizenship is typically granted within 6-12 months.

Cyprus Investment Program

Cyprus offers its prized citizenship in exchange for a €2 million property investment as its ‘Plan B’ for wealthy families. Citizenship takes 6-8 months to process and is highly valued.

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Bulgaria Permanent Residence Permit

With a €512,000 real estate buy-in, Bulgaria’s residency permit imposes low taxes and residency obligations while giving visa-free travel in Europe.

Caribbean & Latin America

For a limited investment in a second home plus no residency requirements, several Caribbean and Latin American countries offer their citizenship or residency programs. They include:

Dominica Citizenship by Investment Program

For approximately $100,000+(USD) donated to the government fund or invested in a real estate project, Dominica approves citizenship passports for life.

Grenada Citizenship by Investment Program

Grenada’s most budget-friendly route at $220,000 for a discretionary real estate investment or $150,000+ contribution to a government fund.

Antigua & Barbuda Citizenship by Investment

Costing a minimum $100,000 donation or $400,000 real estate purchase, Antigua offers tax-free citizenship and a Caribbean lifestyle.

St. Kitts & Nevis Citizenship by Investment Program

Demand is highest for St. Kitts’ platinum standard citizenship program at $150,000 donation or $200,000+ property investment. Passports are obtained within 4 months.

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North America

Canada Immigrant Investor Programs

Canada welcomes foreign businessmen and investors through provincial nominee programs requiring $800,000-2 million investments in Canadian bonds or businesses. Quebec and Alberta are the top options.

United States EB-5 Immigrant Investor Visa

For creating 10 American jobs, the popular US EB-5 program demands $900,000 investment in rural/high-unemployment areas or $1.8 million in others, resulting in a Green Card.


Singapore Global Investor Program

Singapore’s dependable residence visa requires S$2.5 million invested in business, bonds, or approved funds for up to 10 years’ long-term stay permission.

Australia Significant Investor Visa

Australia’s elite 457 visa mandates A$5 million held in approved investments for 4 years of temporary residence rights before possible permanent residency.

Thailand Privilege Visa

With only 500,000-2,000,000 baht ($15,000-$60,000 USD) paid annually in fees, Thailand delivers a long-stay visa and healthcare perks for well-off foreign retirees.

Hong Kong Startup Visa Scheme

For starting a legitimate Hong Kong-based business and creating jobs, this visa grants live-work privileges and a path to permanent residency.

Malaysia My Second Home Program (MM2H)

MM2H issues 10-year multiple entry visas, healthcare benefits, and property ownership approval in exchange for an RM150,000 deposit.

Key Requirements of Major Golden Visa Programs

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Minimum Investment

Portugal – €500,000 property, €350k bonds
Spain – €500k property, €2m funds
Greece – €250k property
Malta – €600k fund donation
Cyprus – €2m property
UK – £2m investment
Canada – $800k-$2m investment
Singapore – S$2.5m investment
Australia – A$5m investment

Residency Obligations

Portugal – 7 days per year
Spain – 90 days every 2 years
Greece – 7 days every 6 months
Malta – 30 days every 180 days
UK – 90 days every 180 days
Canada – 2 weeks every 6 months

Citizenship Pathway

Portugal – 5 years legal residency
Spain – 10 years legal residency
Greece – 7 years legal residency
Malta – Citizenship on application
Cyprus – 6 months processing
Dominica – Instant-on application
St. Kitts – 4 months processing
Canada – 3-5 years legal residency

Due Diligence Requirements

Source of Funds Verification
Know Your Client (KYC) Checks
Document Translation/Notarization
Background/Criminal Checks
Medical Clearance
Residence/Work Permits for Family

Golden Visas Around the World

Other residency-by-investment programs less frequented but worth consideration include those of:

  • Turkey: Minimum $250,000 real estate investment gets a 3-year renewable residence permit.
  • UK: £2 million invested in approved funds, shares, or property gives a 2-year visa renewable for eventual settlement.
  • Jersey/Guernsey: £2 million property purchase provides tax residency in the popular offshore finance centers.
  • Malta: €150,000 deposited at bank or government bonds for 5+ years grants residence status.
  • Hungary: €300,000 residence bond plus accommodation rental agreement result in permanent residency.
  • Latvia: €250,000 deposited with local bank issues temporary residence cards good for 5+ years.
  • Luxembourg: €500,000 realty buy funds Golden Domicile or Schengen visa opportunities.
  • Austria: €10 million+ invested in approved infrastructure projects gets a residence title.
  • Switzerland: CHF 1 million deposited with a Swiss financial institution gives the D-Visa.
  • Panama: $200,000 property purchase or $120,000+ annual holding company investment approves residency.
  • Mauritius: Rs 15 million donated to the government or real estate worth Rs 6 million results in residence permission.
  • Vanuatu: $130,000 donated to the citizenship fund approves a coveted passport from the South Pacific island nation.

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Weighing Requirements Against Benefits

When selecting a suitable golden visa destination, investors must thoroughly evaluate costs against returns. Higher minimum investments aligning with expensive real estate markets naturally offer stronger prospects for real estate appreciation versus lower-cost programs. Demographics, taxation implications, quality of life factors, business/job creation potential, currency exchange rates, and residency terms also impact the analysis. An experienced immigration advisory firm can best interpret each jurisdiction’s suitability based on personalized needs and objectives.

The residence and citizenship application process requirements for most golden visa jurisdictions can be complex, involving extensive documentation preparation and compliance with each program’s unique rules and procedures. Working with a licensed immigration professional provides several important advantages when seeking a golden visa:

  • Eligibility Assessment: Advisers evaluate candidate qualifications and recommend the most compatible programs based on personal circumstances.
  • Documentation Expertise: Professionals expertly prepare all necessary forms, documents, business plans, investment portfolios, due diligence reports, and evidence as per each jurisdiction’s specifications to maximize approval potential.
  • Program Knowledge: Experienced consultants have in-depth know-how of ever-changing guidelines, designation requirements, application procedures and processing times for various residence options.
  • Multilingual Support: Where required, translation and authentication of supporting paperwork by certified translators streamlines applications utilizing correct terminology.
  • Compliance Guidance: Firms provide ongoing guidance regarding annual reporting, extensions, residency obligations and pathway to citizenship criteria post-approval to maintain compliance.
  • Support Services: Value-added services include assistance with travel arrangements, property sourcing, escrow management, tax planning and lifestyle concierge support to simplify relocation.
  • Government Liaison: Representatives directly interface with immigration departments, fielding queries and advocating for clients’ cases to facilitate efficient processing without delays.
  • Due Diligence: Thorough background checks and source of funds diligence help establish the legitimacy, integrity, and financial standing essential for approval.
  • Alternative Strategies: Advisers explore additional options including family visa sponsorships if original plans face obstacles and issues are minimized.

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